
Now that we know how to configure UnoCSS we can create our own rules. Rules define utility classes and the resulting CSS. UnoCSS has many built-in rules inside presetUno but also allows for easily adding custom rules.

Rules are created using the rules array inside uno.config.js.

import { defineConfig, presetUno } from "unocss";
export default defineConfig({
presets: [presetUno()],
rules: [],

There are static rules and dynamic rules.

Each static rule is an array with a string or regex and an object with a CSS property and a CSS value.

["rule-name-here", { "css-property": "css-value" }]

Each dynamic rule is an array with a string or regex and a function that returns an object with a CSS property and a CSS value.

[/^rule-name-here$/, ([, optionalRegexMatch]) => ({ "css-property": "css-value" })],

If the CSS property has dashes it needs to be quoted like above.

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